Darlaston swimming pool uses an open plan layout and natural light to create a calm ambience that appeals to the whole community.
Built on the site of an old 1930s swimming pool the new 25m Darlaston Swimming Pool opened in 2001. The facility includes the 25m pool, changing area, fitness suite, WCs, showers, lockers and stores, and requires enclosure, privacy and a sense of security. The pool hall has an open, light filled environment formed by a folded timber structure.
The DQI In Use Assessment (Post Occupancy Evaluation) took place 18 months after opening. DQI gave the community representatives a formal way evaluating whether the building does what it said it would do and seek improvements where necessary.
The assessment captured the feedback of the centres management , facilities team and frequent uses. The Pool scored resoundingly well on the most vital aspects of the building’s function.
According to those involved, the open-plan building interior works well, easily accommodates the users’ needs and enhances the activity of people who use it regularly.
DQI highlighted the need to make improvements for those with impaired sight, which the Centre subsequently actioned.
The building scores well on character and innovation, as respondents reckoned it lifted the spirits and praised its quality. “The building is new, fresh and exciting” said the facilities manager